Grockit’s Approach to Mastering the LSAT

I’m following with interest the new developments at, an online social network for studying. By teaching students to view the LSAT not as a hurdle, but rather as an integral step in the process of preparing for law school success, the Grockit LSAT course seeks to help students effectively prepare for the exam. And included with Grockit’s LSAT offerings is a detailed review of the law school application process with information on how to navigate the process to maximize the applicant’s admission prospects.

Grockit’s program includes four component courses: LSAT Core Skills, Logical Reasoning, Reading Comprehension and Analytical Reasoning. The course components can be purchased individually or in any combination to allow students to tailor their programs of study to include everything they need and nothing they don’t. Students who need improvement in only one or two areas of the LSAT can choose to enroll in just the relevant component courses, thereby targeting their preparation efforts and saving money. Alternatively, students who need more comprehensive preparation can bundle all of the component courses for a complete start-to-finish guide to the LSAT and the law school application process.


“Our a la carte approach is unique in LSAT test prep and allows students to prepare efficiently by focusing exactly on the areas where they need improvement,” said Farb Nivi, founder and CEO of Grockit. “Unlike other courses that simply focus on passing the test, Grockit’s LSAT test prep program incorporates techniques to also emphasize critical thinking, which will pay big dividends once students begin their legal education.”

I like Grockit’s relatively low cost (about $150), and their desire to contribute to each student’s development for long-term future law school success. Will it work? I hope so. I like their creative thinking. Let’s see what happens. If you use Grockit, please let me know your results.